sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

II Ternua Snow Running Sierra Nevada



This is the word that defines my new adventure. On 26 January 2013, some  slightly crazy people joined to participate in a snow race in Sierra Nevada. The race started in Pradollano, where the high above sea level is 2144 meters and the highest point is situated in the parabolic antenna, 2764 meters. Headlamps were mandatory because we should have to run during the night. A great amount  of runners had never run on the snow. They were advised to carry a chain under the feet, something that nobody had before tried. Somebody went to Granada to buy the chains, YakTrax Pro. When I talked about the race, I could see a bit of disbelief in his eyes but already I could not back out so that at six on the dot I should be in the starting line.

A few minutes before starting the race everybody was chatting about the new experience, thrilled and asked themselves if the chain would work and overall about the weather,  the nervousness was in the atmosphere. The organization said to us in the briefing that in the highest point the wind was be intense and due to this fact the chill will be stronger. Further on, it shows a picture in which the blizzard is well illustrated. This time, my friend of adventures, Mario Linares, better known as "Doc", joined me. Together we have participated in a few races such as the Paris Marathon, "Marcha Cueva del Gato" and have done windsurfing in Pozo Izquierdo.

So after the initial kick, everybody started to run as if the race was just 500 meters. My friend and I could be seen to the right of the picture. The pace was a crazy. Still, it was possible to look the sun and how its rays was shining on the snow.

The picture shows the chain under the trainers. 

After 500 meters, we faced the first hill. The group was slowly stretching and shaping a long queue. The last rays of light were falling over the mountain. In a few minutes the moon would say "Welcome" to us.  Step by step, the end of the slope was closer. In that moment, I realised that skiing is a bit less tired that treking. When I looked behind me, the landscape was beautiful, it was possible to see the city of Granada in the skirts of the mountain. The pity was that I could not relax too much because there were two time controls. The first one, in the third kilometer and the other one in Borreguiles, after six kilometers. The path was falling down little by little. Sometimes the silence, which was just broken by the sound of our steps, was amazing. There were a lot of footprint on the snow which I got used to trod on to help me with my path. 

Suddenly, I raised my head and watched how the moon was appearing behind the mountain. To my right, I could see the last rays of the sun over Granada, but whether I looked at the other side, the moon was lighting my path up.

The night had fallen down over us and I already was almost in the summit of the race. The wind was blowing more strongly and the temperature was decreasing. I had to cover my head and my face. In this point, it would be very risky to stop because I could freeze.

After one hour and a quarter, I had reached the top, the rest of the race was going down. This part was very funny because I was running down on virgin snow, it was very similar to go down a big dune, but a bit colder. I could see the finish line but the organization had kept a secret for us. Five hundred meters before the finishing line we would have to turn and go up a black slope. 

In this slope it was impossible to run, I crawled like a monkey, sometimes, I had to use my hands to advance. After fifteen minutes, I had reached the end of the slope. Now, I would have to go down the another black slope, this was easier. I sat down on the snow and slipped down, my gps watch indicated a maximun speed of thirty kilometers per hour.

After two hours, the target had been reached

Some pictures:

Some old friends

Warming up
Doc in the first slope
Reachimg the finishing line
The black slope
The warriors

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

II Ternua Snow Running, Sierra Nevada



Esta es la palabra que define mi nueva aventura. El 26 de enero de 2013 nos juntamos unos cuantos chalados para participar en la Ternua Snow Running que se celebraba en la estación de esquí de Sierra Nevada. La prueba empieza en Pradollano, 2144 metros sobre el nivel del mar, teniendo como punto más alto la antena parabólica a 2764 metros. La gran mayoría de los corredores nunca habíamos corrido sobre nieve. Para tracionar en la nieve la organización nos recomendó usar una especie de cadenas, YakTrax Pro, para las zapatillas. 

Antes de empezar todos hablamos sobre esta nueva experiencia, la pregunta más común era ¿Has usado alguna vez las cadenas? ¿Funcionaran o nos resbalaremos en la nieve?. Se palpaba el nerviosismo en el ambiente. Esta vez, me acompaño mi amigo de aventuras, Mario Linares, para los amigos Doc. Juntos hemos participado en el Maratón de París, alguna que otra carrera de montaña y surcados las olas en al meca del winsdurf, Pozo Izquierdo. 
Nada más dar el pistoletazo de salida, la gente salio pitando como si fuese una carrera de 100 metros. A la derecha de la foto, en la cola del peloton, estamos Doc y yo. Todavía los últimos rayos del sol se reflejaban en la nieve. 

En la foto de abajo se ven perfectamente las cadenas.

Tras quinientos metros nos enfrentamos con la primera cuestas. El grupo se se va estirando lentamente. Sobre el horizonte vemos como el sol se va ocultando. En pocos minutos la luna nos daría la bienvenida. Poco a poco, el final de la primera cuesta se va acercando. Al mirar a mi espalda, el paisaje es alucinante. Abajo se divisa la ciudad de Granada. Los metros van pasando lentamente. A vece el silencio, solo es roto por nuestra pisadas. En algunos tramos me poyo sobre las rodillas para ayudarme. 
De repente, subo la cabeza y observo como la luna se asoma tras la montaña. A mi derecha, los últimos rayos del sol sobre Granada, a la izquierda, la luna no ilumina nuestros pasos. Que más se puede pedir. 

La oscuridad ha caído sobre nosotros. Debido a la ventisca, la temperatura cae en picado. Me tengo que cubrir la cara. En este punto, pararse entraña un gran peligro. 

Tras una hora y cuarto, ya he alcanzado el punto más alto, ya solo queda bajar. La bajada por la pista del Río es bastante divertida. Corremos por nieve virgen, parece que estamos bajando una duna. Tengo la meta a la vista, pero quinientos metros ante de la misma la organización nos tiene preparada una sorpresa. Hay que subir y bajar una pista negra.

En esta pala, es imposible correr. A ratos voy casi a cuatro patas. Tras quince minutos alcanzo la cima, ahora toca bajar, nos sentamos en la nieve y nos tiramos cuesta abajo. Es lo más similar a un parque acuático.

Después de poco más dos horas, termino mi primera carrera sobre nieve.

Algunos fotos:

Charla técnica.
Viejos amigos.

Doc en la primera cuesta.

Llegando a meta.
La famosa pista negra.
Los guerreros.